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"Hoer auf sein Signal: Techno mit HHertz!"

top       Digital Releases


top       About
HHertzSignal stands for techno music with heart and soul. Refined in and brought to you from Hamburg, the heart of Northern Germany, known as "the Gateway to the World".
Coming along with our music our heartfelt & contemplative treasures are: Love, Peace, Unity, Awareness, Consciousness, Gentleness, Appreciation, Empathy, Feeling, Truth.

What also comes along with the name "HHertzSignal" is the thinking and feeling in analogies (this is not [only] about analogue synthesizers!): "HH" correlates "Hansestadt Hamburg" correlates "Heinrich Hertz" (a famous frequency physicist), whose last name is very close to "Herz" what equals "heart". Then last, but not least, there is the hearts´ signals we should listen to.


top       Projects (incl. Remixers)
Accentbuster    |    Danson
Doc Holiday    |    Project28
Step Response

You would like to join us with your project or engage us?
Contact us with your subject or with adding a link to your demo here:
HHertzSignal on SoundCloud
HHertzSignal on Facebook


top       Imprint
(Angaben auch gemäß § 5 TMG:)
Frank Wirth, Barmstedter Strasse 50
25373 Ellerhoop, Germany
gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
018 882 01933
fwirth (at) gmx.net, Skype: accentbuster
[Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3
MDStV: Frank Wirth (Anschrift wie oben)]